Daniel Crisman Memorial Scholarship
About the fund
Established by Debbie Crisman, the mother of Daniel Crisman, who perished in the World Trade Center on September 11, 2001. Provides a college scholarship for a Montrose Area High School graduate.
Application Period
Mid-November to Mid-March
From the Donor:
Date of Birth: 06/11/1976 Date of Death: 09/11/2001
We’ll think of him on nine eleven, each year and often in between, And when we ponder over heaven and other things we have not seen. We’ll picture him at water’s edge, a quiet rock upon the shore When all the world was looking as he was called to heaven’s door.
We’ll think of him forever young, a gentle man who touched so many An angel who has blessed our midst; my son, our friend we know as Danny. We’ll pass along the love he shared, recycling thoughtful things he’s done We’ll talk about this special man, this son, this friend to everyone.
We’ll think of when nature paints the landscape and the hills beyond, When little boys flaunting fishing poles sit pensively beside a pond. It’ll take us back to smile again at things he stuffed inside insides.
We’ll think of him when strolling down those marvelous New York City streets When young men boldly conquer there the majesty and hometown beats. He’ll come to mind at special times; and places like museums, too; At Broadway Plays and Sushi bars; and reruns of old Scooby Doo.
We’ll think of him in modern art because his sense of humor springs, From doodled hodgepodge sculptures made of just plain ordinary things; We’ll see him in such daily treats, as cholcolate pudding, a Kit-Kat bar, Oreo cookies, double stuffed, and strumming music on guitar.
We’ll think of him when we see good in people thoughtful and polite And someone sits behind the scenes to ponder all that’s true and right. We’ll not forget his specialness, his laid back Danny kind of way, His twinkling eyes, the little laugh that punctuated things he’d say.
Each time God Bless America is sung across our mighty land; In every place we see the American Flag, we’ll think of Danny Crisman; and We’ll share the stories of his life, and let the teardrops freely spill; We’ll think of him because he lives within our hearts and always will.
Daniel Hal Crisman June 11, 1976 ~ September 11, 2001 Danny, I always felt you were an angel, and I know you truly are. Thank you for being the best SON ever.
I love you, Mom.
Make a Donation
For more information or questions, call 570-278-3800
to speak with one of our fund managers.