John J. and Ann Vitale Scholarships are Available for Adult Students
College Seniors and Graduate School Students who will complete their studies during the 2023-2024 academic year are encouraged to apply for The John J. and Ann Vitale Scholarship at the Community Foundation of the Endless Mountains. The scholarship is available to alumni from the six school districts in Susquehanna County who are in their final year of college or graduate school and who have incurred student debt. There will be multiple awards given, and if undergraduate students attend college within Pennsylvania they may be eligible for potential matching grants.
To apply, please go to The Community Foundation of the Endless Mountain’s website at starting May 1st. The recipients will be chosen during the summer to ensure timely payment directly to the college so that the student may make appropriate financial plans.
Applications must be completed by June 23, 2023.
John Vitale passed away in March of 2006, after a lifetime of supporting his community and neighbors. This scholarship is one way his family has chosen to honor his memory and continue a tradition of community support.
Application Deadline is June 23rd